The CO2 emissions intensity of Whitefield Industrials’ portfolio is 65% lower than the ASX200

The CO2 emissions intensity of Whitefield Industrials’ portfolio is 65% lower than the ASX200

Environmental, social and governance considerations and Whitefield’s investment process
Our quantitative investment framework assesses companies based on their financial and operating metrics over past years and through the full spectrum of IBES analyst forecasts of future financials.
This methodology interprets all influences on a stock collectively as well as capturing the spread of opinions across the market. It captures the financial influence of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations through their effect on the past and future in a manner that is balanced against other relevant financial influences.
We consider that this framework has the following benefits:
- It assesses ESG considerations in a manner that is consistent with our investment strategy and process;
- It assesses ESG considerations in a way that may be value accretive for investors;
- It encourages companies to adopt ESG initiatives where they are value accretive.
Whitefield Industrials: A resource-free, low emissions portfolio
Whitefield Industrials does not invest in stocks within the Resource index category. As a result, Whitefield Industrials’ investment portfolio has a CO2 emissions intensity that is approximately 65% lower than that of the S&P/ASX200.
A responsible approach to the conduct of our operations
Whitefield seeks to conduct its business in an ethical, equitable and responsible manner to deliver reliable outcomes for investors.
Our approach involves:
- A sound business culture: Our key personnel and formal internal policies encourage a responsible, ethical and equitable approach to the operation of all aspects of our business.
- Transparency and Accountability: Our structure provides high levels of transparency and accountability on our operations for staff, leaders, independent directors, service providers and auditors.
- Alignment of interest: Senior personnel are also investors in many of our funds alongside external investors.